5 Ways to Wellbeing – Give

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5 Ways to Wellbeing - Give 

Have you ever noticed how you feel when you help someone without expecting anything in return?

This is because helping others makes us feel good.

It gives us a sense of purpose, improves our self-worth and contributes to strong relationships.

Generosity can also start in small ways – at work, at home and with friends.

It can be as simple as taking the time to check in with an old friend, or offering your seat to someone on the bus or train.

If you take some time to practice empathy and identify ways you can improve the lives of those around you, everyone will reap the benefits.

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5 Ways cookies were part of the 'Give' theme in our 2019 campaign.

Did you know?

Scientific studies show that helping others makes us happier. It increases life satisfaction, provides a sense of meaning, increases feelings of competence, improves our mood by releasing endorphins, and reduces stress.

How to help others:

  • Take time to really listen when you ask someone how their weekend was, or bake a treat for someone who is having a tough time.
  • Write a postcard of gratitude to show your appreciation for someone in your life.
  • Volunteering is an awesome way to help others and get involved in the community. Find out more at your local volunteer resource centre.
  • Read up on how to ask a friend how they’re going, helping a friend who’s stressed and looking after yourself while volunteering.

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Last updated: July 2020