Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Bendigo Community Health Services provides services and supports to all sectors of the community regardless of background, where you live, what you look like, what you think or what you believe.

We want people of all gender identities, sexualities, cultural backgrounds, religions and abilities to feel safe with us.

We support people to access communication supports, technology, aids, equipment and services that increase and enhance decision making and independence.

We support people to develop and maintain their personal, gender, sexual, cultural religious and spiritual identity.

We provide people with information, in a format that facilitates understanding, to enhance informed decision making and choice.

Our assessment, planning and actions promote cultural safety and connectedness, and respect the cultural and spiritual identity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We maintain appropriate community linkages and collaborate with Aboriginal services to meet the cultural needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We provide culturally competent services which respect a person’s cultural and linguistically diverse identity.

We maintain appropriate community linkages and collaborate to meet the cultural, spiritual and language needs of people.

We use accredited, qualified healthcare interpreters, as required, to support more effective communication.

We understand discrimination has a direct impact on health and wellbeing, and many people experience barriers accessing health and community services.As such, we work to address health and social equity by providing services and supports that promote human rights, are trauma informed and culturally safe.