Provide Feedback
Feedback about your experience with Bendigo Community Health Services (BCHS) is always welcome and highly valued.

Your feedback supports us in further improving the services and programs we provide to clients and the community.
At no time will your feedback reflect negatively on your continued use of our services and programs.
The following options are available for you to provide compliments, suggestions or complaints in relation to your experience with BCHS:
Hard copy
Compliment, Suggestion and Complaint forms are available at our sites, or a staff member can provide you with a form and/or complete a form on your behalf. Please return your form to a BCHS staff member or send to:
Chief Executive Officer
PO Box 1121,
Bendigo Central, Vic 3552
or via email at
Alternatively, use our online Compliment, Suggestion and Complaint form below or download a pdf version of the Compliment, Suggestion and Complaint form pdf version.
Where requested or required, a staff member will respond to your feedback either in person or by phone, email or letter within 30 days.
The Victorian Complaints Commissioner can support you if you have a complaint which you do not feel has been resolved by BCHS:
Victorian Health Complaints Commissioner
1300 582 113
Level 26, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000
If you need an interpreter, call the Vic HCC via TIS National on 131 450.
If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, contact the Vic HCC via the National Relay Service
Where requested or required, a BCHS staff member will respond to your feedback either in person or by phone, email, or letter within 30 days.
You can also view the BCHS Whistleblower Policy.