Using our Services
Bendigo Community Health Services (BCHS) is a place you can go for health and wellbeing care no matter who you are, where you live or how much you earn.

Your health and wellbeing concerns matter to us, and we want to work with you to find the best way to meet your needs.
We will do this respectfully, to empower you to make informed choices about your health care.
Our staff care about you and want to understand what is most important as they work with you.

When you request a service from BCHS, you may be placed on a waiting list.
This will occur when there is high demand for a particular program or service.
While we strive to meet set appointment times, sometimes the remay be a short wait for our services. Our waiting rooms are comfortable places to be while you wait to be seen by a clinician.
An advocate is someone who can support and assist you to get the services you need.
We recommend the following independent advocacy service:
The Rights Information and Advocacy Centre
Phone: 1800 221 944 or (03) 5822 1944
Bendigo Community Health Services values privacy and confidentiality and is committed to protecting the privacy and rights of individuals (including clients and employees) in relation to their personal and health information, in addition to their physical privacy when accessing BCHS service and programs.
Your personal and health information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) andHealth Records Act 2001 (Vic).
All BCHS employees must adhere to relevant privacy legislation, including all BCHS staff, students, volunteers, and contractors.
Further information around how we support your privacy can be found in our Client Information Booklet.
Find BCHS’ full privacy policy here.
My Health Record is an online summary of an individual’s health information. Every eligible Australian has a My Health Record, unless they have chosen to opt out.
My Health Record lets you control your health information securely, in one place. This means your important health information is available when and where it’s needed, including in an emergency.
Your health information (including a shared health summary, referrals, test results) may be uploaded to your My Health Record. If you do not want us to upload your health information, you need to let us know. BCHS employees authorised to access My Health Record may also be able to view other health information in your My Health Record to support in your care.
For more information on My Health Record:
Contact the Help Line 24/7–1800 723 471 or visit
For information on fees or services and programs please call (03) 5406 1200, email us on
Or see our Fees and Payments page