My Aged Care client record: You might have just got a letter from us – it’s real because we need your help

We've just completed a mass mail out to all our clients who access podiatry or physical activity services funded by the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).

That's more than 1000 people.

If you received one of these letters and are unsure what it's all about we've put together a list of some of the common questions we've been asked to hopefully put your mind at rest.

Firstly, the letter is legitimate - it's not a scam.

We need to make contact with you to get permission to create a My Aged Care client record on your behalf. This is a request from the Australian Government who wants anyone attending one of our CHSP services to have the My Aged Care client record.

So, that's why we've written to you and very soon will follow up with a phone call.

Below are some of the questions we're being asked by people:

What is My Aged Care?

My Aged Care is the Australian Government’s single-entry point for aged care services for older Australians, their families and carers can easily access information on ageing and aged care, can have their needs assessed and access services.

What is a My Aged Care client record?

A My Aged Care client record is a record on the My Aged Care system. A My Aged Care client record can make it easier for aged care assessors and service providers to understand your needs and services, and can also make it easier to access other aged care services if your needs change.

A My Aged Care client record contains information around the aged care services you are accessing, any comprehensive aged care assessments you may have had through a Regional Assessment Service (RAS) or Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), and any related support plans.

What personal information will be used to set up my My Aged Care client record?

To set up your My Aged Care client record we would need to update the My Aged Care system with your name, address, phone number, date of birth and Medicare number.

We need to indicate when your services commenced with us, however no health information will be put on My Aged Care at this stage. If health information is shared on your My Aged Care client record in future it will only be done so with your consent.

Why am I being requested to create a My Aged Care client record?

The podiatry and physical activity services that you attend with Bendigo Community Health Services are currently provided under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. The Australian Government Department of Health funds these services and are requesting that everyone who uses these services have a My Aged Care client record set up before the end of October 2019.

What is the Commonwealth Home Support Programme?

The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) helps senior Australians access entry-level support services to live independently and safely at home.

Services provided under CHSP include meals and other food services, personal care, nursing, allied health and therapy services, specialized support, respite care, domestic assistance, home maintenance and modifications and social support. 

I think I already have a My Aged Care client record?

You may already have a My Aged Care client record, but our services may not be listed as aged care services you are receiving. If we add your personal information onto the My Aged Care system it will allow the Department of Health to see that you are accessing our services.

What will happen if I consent to have my information updated onto the My Aged Care system and My Aged Care client record created?

If you consent to this we will go ahead and update the system with your information and create a My Aged Care client record for you. You don’t need to do anything else, and it won’t affect the services that you are receiving with us.

What will happen if I do not consent to have my information updated onto the My Aged Care system and My Aged Care client record created?

If you do not consent to this you will be able to continue accessing your current services with Bendigo Community Health Services.

If you want to access other aged care services in future you will need to have an aged care assessment and have a My Aged Care client record set up.

Why did I receive the Charter of Aged Care Rights?

The Australian Government Department of Health has requested that aged care service providers provide a copy of the Charter of Aged Care Rights to everyone accessing their aged care services by September 20, 2019.

You may already have been asked to read and sign a copy of the Charter of Aged Care Rights when you last attended our service. If you haven’t then you will be asked to sign a copy of the Charter of Aged Care Rights when you next attend our service.

This request aims to ensure that everyone accessing age care services is aware of their rights and what they can expect from an aged care service.

If you have concerns about the aged care you are receiving you can:

  • Talk to your aged care provider, in the first instance,
  • Speak with an aged care advocate on 1800 700 600 or visit, for support to raise your concerns, or
  • Contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission on 1800 951 822 or visit its website The Commission can help you resolve a complain about your aged care provider. 

Is a My Aged Care client record the same as a My Health Record?

No. A My Aged Care client record is different to a My Health Record.

Both are electronic records which contain some personal and health information. A My Aged Care client record only contains information about aged care services you are accessing, and not any information about any other services.

Clients and their representatives can access their My Aged Care client record through myGov. Assessors and service providers are able to access client records for clients referred to them through My Aged Care assessor and My Aged Care provider portals.

Can a service provider view a client’s record without receiving a referral for that person?

No. Service providers will only have access to a client’s record if they have been sent a referral. Service providers will be unable to view a client’s full address and contact number prior to accepting a referral.

How do I contact My Aged Care if I have any further questions or queries?

You can call the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422.

Monday to Friday: 8am – 8pm Saturdays: 10am – 2pm Closed on Sundays and national public holidays.

Need help with calling the My Aged Care contact centre? You can ask someone to speak on your behalf. For translating and interpreting services, call 131 450 and ask for 1800 200 422. To use the National Relay Service to choose your preferred access point on their website, or call the NRS Helpdesk on 1800 555 660.

Or visit