Eaglehawk Lions club donates $5000 to our Fork In The Road community hub to combat loneliness

A huge thank you to the Lions Club of Eaglehawk who has very generously given us $5000 for our Fork In The Road community hub.

The hub is home to our Thursday Soup Kitchen and other programs supporting the disadvantaged, vulnerable, lonely and homeless.

Lions club members had a look through Fork In The Road and they're keen for us to use the donation to tackle loneliness which is becoming a serious issue in our community so we'll get to work on that.

The Lions club has been very good to us and last year provided a donation to our Men's Health Clinic.

It's fantastic to see a club being so proactive in supporting organisations such as ours to make a difference in the community and for that they should be truly commended.

Thank you and please keep up the great work.

If you or your organisation would like to support Bendigo Community Health Services or our Fork In The Road community hub please email bchscomms@bchs.ccom.au or call 5406 1200.