Free face masks for the vulnerable now available at our Eaglehawk and Kangaroo Flat sites

We now have free disposable face masks for vulnerable Victorians at our Eaglehawk and Kangaroo Flat sites.

There is a limit of five masks per person and these will be provided pre-packaged for your safety.

The disposable face masks will be given to vulnerable people while we wait for free reusable face masks to arrive from the Department of Health and Human Services.

DHHS will give out 2.1 million reusable face masks to agencies that deliver services and support vulnerable Victorians to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

Stay tuned to this post and we will let you know when the reusable face masks arrive. Until then below you will find details about the disposable face masks we have now and who is eligible for them.

Victorians who will be offered reusable face masks will include:

People who are being actively managed for the following chronic conditions:

  • poor immunity
  • heart disease, diabetes and stroke
  • obesity
  • chronic lung disease
  • alcohol and drug dependency
  • frailty
  • people living in public housing, in crisis accommodation, or who are homeless
  • people living in rooming houses and supported residential services
  • people living with disability
  • people experiencing a mental health condition and their carers
  • people with health and/or social issues that make them vulnerable, including people with alcohol and drug issues, including those attending primary and secondary needle and syringe programs
  • people experiencing family violence
  • people living in residential facilities
  • young people living in mandatory facilities
  • Aboriginal people
  • Refugee and asylum seekers (including temporary visa holders).

Service providers are expected to use their judgement in providing masks to vulnerable Victorians and assessing that they meet the criteria for eligibility.

People who are not eligible for these reusable masks should be advised that they need to buy a masks from retailers, use other face coverings, such as scarves or bandanas, or make their own cloth masks.

For disposable masks that have been provided to agencies, five disposable masks per person is recommended.

Individuals that receive disposable masks can be provided two reusable masks once they become available.

Further information on the distribution of reusable face masks can be found at:


Last updated: August 12, 2020