Announcement of Result of Board of Directors Election at BCHS Annual General Meeting

At our Annual General Meeting held earlier this month BCHS was delighted to announce the results of our Board of Directors Election.

BCHS is governed by a nine-person Board currently comprising of five whom are elected by our members and four appointed by the Board of Directors, to ensure that there is an appropriate mix of skills to govern the organisation.

BCHS is pleased to announce Vicki Pearce as the elected Board Director.

As part of the Greater Bendigo community, Vicki is committed to making Bendigo a healthier area to live, work and play.  Vicki has been a director for BCHS for almost six years and has contributed to the wellbeing of the business and the community we serve.  Vicki has provided great leadership as Chair of the Board of Directors over the past two years.

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In addition, BCHS would like to extend their congratulations to Melanie Eddy and Michael Carney on their re-appointment to the Board of Directors.

Melanie is passionate about improving the health and wellbeing of her community. She has a strong sense of social justice and believes we all have an equal right to access the same services when it comes to our overall wellbeing. Melanie has extensive experience in the accounting industry and is a valuable member of the BCHS Board.

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Michael, with an extensive background in healthcare, is aware of the challenges faced across the sector, and is committed to assisting Bendigo Community Health Services achieve their vision of Better Health and Wellbeing Across Generations. He brings diverse experience to the Board both from a clinical and business perspective.

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It is with regret that the Board received resignation from valued Board Director, Dean McKay.

Dean joined the Board of Directors in 2016. He bought a wealth of experience to the table with his roles in financial management, capital development and corporate governance knowledge with the State Government and his broad consultancy work to the Australian health care sector.

Dean served as Deputy Chair over the past two years and BCHS would like to thank him for his contributions to the BCHS community.

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We are excited to welcome our new Board director, Lauren Bean who will fill the casual vacancy position created by Dean McKay’s resignation.

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Lauren has a wide range of skills gained from a variety of senior roles within broadcast media, finance, corporate affairs and health and community services.

She has a passion for community and prides herself on being an active listener, always open to new ideas and seeks out solutions which puts people at the heart of decision-making.


Lauren will join fellow Board Directors Vicki Pearce, Joshua Pell, Melanie Eddy, Katie Johnson, Abhishek Awasthi, Danielle Couch, Mark Morley and Michael Carney.

Together the Board brings experience and diversity to the table to govern BCHS as the organisation works towards its vision of better health and wellbeing across generations.


Congratulations to all our re-elected/re-appointed Board Directors and welcome to Lauren Bean.


Updated; 23 November 2021