What is the Achievement Program?
The Achievement Program is an evidence-based framework endorsed by the Victorian Government and Cancer Council.
The program supports workplaces, schools and early childhood services to create healthy places for working, learning and living.
Early Childhood Services (health priority areas);
- Sun Protection
- Health Eating and Oral Health
- Physical Activity and Movement
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Safe Environments
VIDEO: Creating healthy early childhood services
Schools (health priority areas):
- Sun Protection
- Health Eating and Oral Health
- Physical Activity and Movement
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Safe Environments
- Sexual Health and Wellbeing
VIDEO: Creating healthy primary schools
VIDEO: Creating healthy secondary schools
Workplace (health priority areas):
- Foundations
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Smoking
- Healthy Eating
- Alcohol and Other Drug Use
- Physical Activity
VIDEO: Creating a healthy workplace
Benefits of being involved in the Achievement Program:
- Improve the wellbeing of your whole school/workplace/ESC
- Support in achieving education and early childhood standards
- Improving staff health and wellbeing
- Connect with BCHS Health Promotion worker & ongoing support from BCHS
- Reduced workplace absentee rates
- Be equipped with an action plan and most recent and credible policies, tools and resources Connect with other workplaces/schools/ESC in the Greater Bendigo region.
To get more information about the Achievement Program click here or give us a call on 5406 1200.
Feedback from schools, workplaces and early childhood services using the Achievement Program:
“The Achievement Program has helped our ECS implement new health and wellbeing activities which we may have never done without the help of the program.”
“Students are now more accepting of other students who disclose that they have had or are having struggles with mental health.”
“The additional ideas and support from the workplaces Health Promotion worker and Cancer Council is really helping us to overcome challenges to implementing the benchmarks that we have faced. The templates on the AP portal have also helped us in developing the documents that we needed to meet the benchmark”.
“Attitudes have now changed at school, students and teachers are now more conscious of reducing sedentary behaviour and promoting physical activity within the school day.”
“This was the first time i have actually looked at some of the websites like the Australian 24- hour movement guidelines. Although we all know what we should do to see it written and be able to pass on this knowledge from a reliable source educates everyone.”
Related information
GoodStart Early Learning Kangaroo Flat leading the way in Achievement Program. Read more
To download and print out an Achievement Program information sheet for workplaces click here
To download and print out an Achievement Progrram information sheet for schools click here
Got a question about the Achievement Program?
Contact our Achievement Program co-ordinators Natalia Smith nataliasmith@bchs.com.au or Siobhan Sullivan siobhansullivan@bchs.com.au or call us on 5406 1200.
Terms and conditions – Achievement Program competition
1. The Achievement Program competition closes at 5pm on Monday, July 5, 2021.
2. The winners of the early learning centre, school and business categories will be randomly drawn by BCHS Health Promotion staff.
3. Winners will be published on www.bchs.com.au and BCHS social media platforms on Wednesday, July 7, 2021.
4. The winners of prizes will be advised in writing.
5. Winners will be used in promotion of the Achievement Program on the BCHS website and social media platforms.
6. The judges decision will be final.
7. No details provided by an entrant will be shared with a third party.
Last updated: October 2020