BCHS staff share their highlights for Allied Health Professions Day 2021

Today is Allied Health Professions Day. 

The annual date is here to bring our allied health professionals together to celebrate the work they love doing and to raise the profile of the allied health workforce and the important role they play in health and social care systems.

“My favourite part of being an allied health professional is all the fabulous people I get to meet each day. My colleagues, clients and mentors all add value to my life and it’s rare that I finish a day of work without learning something new. I also really enjoy watching my clients over the years reach their goals and live their lives to the fullest.”

Allied health professionals provide essential care for people of all ages including children, older people, people with chronic illnesses or mental ill-health, and those experiencing disability.

Allied health professionals work with people to identify and assess issues and provide treatment and to support acquisition of skills, recovery and reablement. In many cases allied health interventions can reduce or remove the need for medical interventions. The allied health sector is extremely diverse with significant variation across and within professions.

Staff from a range of allied health professions work across BCHS, including Exercise Physiologists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers and Speech Pathologists.

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Our BCHS Podiatry and Physical Activity Program teams have have reflected on what their highlights and what they love about being part of an allied health workforce. 


“I love being an allied health professional because I find helping people and improving their health very fulfilling. As a podiatrist, someone can come in with a problem and leave the appointment with a positive outcome. Everyday has a new challenge working in this field and I enjoy being able to problem solve. I like working one-on-one with people and we have some wonderful clients at BCHS; I also enjoy collaborating with and receiving support from the other podiatrists and allied health professionals that I work with”.  

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“As an Exercise Physiologist, I enjoy working closely with clients and being a part of their journey to change and/or improve their lifestyle, achieve their goals and allow clients to see the benefits associated with being physically active. Every client I see has a different medical history, story and background. I enjoy challenge of having to figure out and tailoring the exercise intervention to the specific individual to get the best possible outcome for them, which I find very rewarding when you see the results, goals and improvements achieved.”

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“I love being an allied health professional and working as a Podiatrist because I have the pleasure of working with a range of different clients and disciplines. This means I get to use a different range of skills, with each day being different, exciting, and challenging! I enjoy working with people from all walks of life, and always leave feeling like I have genuinely helped someone for the better.”

Podiatry Service

BCHS’ Podiatry team are here to support individuals to live independently by helping with mobility and function issues, foot care and monitoring foot health. Our Podiatrists manage foot and lower limb conditions through prevention, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. You will need a referral from your doctor, other health provider or via the My Aged Care service.

You will require a pension and/or healthcare card to be eligible for this service.  Our podiatry service is offered at Eaglehawk, Kangaroo Flat and Central sites. There is a $15 appointment fee for this service. To find out more contact us on (03) 5406 1200.

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Exercise Physiology Service / Active Living Program

BCHS’ Active Living Program team are here to support individuals to stay active, healthy and live independently through exercise and behaviour change strategies.

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists will work with you to get an understanding of your goals and find the best option/s to meet them. This could include one-on-one exercise physiology consultations, small exercise groups (such as our Strength and Conditioning Groups or Falls and Balance Exercise Groups), or the development o a home exercise program.

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists are trained in supporting individuals with chronic conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, depression, cancer and COPD.

You may require a referral to be eligible for funded services and the fees for one-on-one assessments and reviews range depending upon eligibility for funded services. To find out more contact our friendly team on (03) 5406 1469.

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We thank all allied health professionals across the organisation for the wonderful services and supports that you provide for consumers and community, and your valuable contribution to the healthcare sector.


Last updated: October 12, 2021