‘Be Active’ is the first theme of our new 5 Ways to Wellbeing campaign

Today we begin a special 5 Ways to Wellbeing campaign to get you thinking about looking after yourself and others during these Coronavirus times. It's so important!

Today's 5 Ways to Wellbeing theme:

Be Active small

Keep yourself busy by being active.

Keep your mindset and your entire body active.

Although we are not allowed outside the house, unless for essentials, remember there is a lot you can do at home!

You can dance, stretch, do yoga and many other exercises and workouts at home.

You can even do gardening!

Being active will help reduce all your stress and worries.

Check out the following video of Lance demonstrating and explaining how to be active during COVID-19! To watch click on the 'read more' button below.

Key ‘Be Active’ messages:

  • Being active is very essential in terms of improving your mental health.
  • Being active does not cost a dollar or much effort.
  • Being active can improve your stress levels and can allow you to have a good night sleep.

People sometimes wonder what is the point of being active or why should we be active, well below we have a number of reasons why we should be active:

  • Physical activity release chemical changes in the brain that improves our mood.
  • Being active prevents the risk of depression, anxiety or stress.
  • Being active increases your lifespan.
  • Being active keeps you fit and healthy.
  • Being active means to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Being active decreases the chance of diseases such as cardiovascular disease.

Want to know how to be active or where to start? Simple, read the following steps:

  1. Do not pressure yourself or go too hard on yourself. You should always start nice and easy. For example, begin with walking or running short distances on a treadmill then gradually increase the duration and distance.
  2. Make sure you have fun and enjoy what you are doing. Never do any exercise or workout that you do not find interest in or feel comfortable doing.
  3. Always plan ahead and schedule what you need to do. Plan out your day, for example have a spreadsheet of all the exercises you’ll be doing for the day.

Our 5 Ways to Wellbeing campaign

We will present a different 5 Ways to Wellbeing theme and activities each day this week to get you thinking about how to improve your health and lifestyle.

5 ways panel web

This campaign has been produced by La Trobe University students Adriana Goscha and Ali Aletabi as part of their placement with Bendigo Community Health Services.

For more information on ‘Be Active’ visit the 5 Ways to Wellbeing website: https://5waystowellbeing.org.au/5-ways/be-active/

To learn more about 5 Ways to Wellbeing at Bendigo Community Health Services click here


Last updated: September 14, 2020