Bendigo Foodshare donation allows our Settlement Services team to help refugee families

Pure kindness is alive and well!

A wonderful gesture from an anonymous Bendigo couple who donated money to Bendigo Foodshare to support refugee families with food vouchers for use in local businesses in this Coronavirus time.

Foodshare volunteer Abhishek Awasthi delivered the vouchers to our case worker Zahir and Settlement Services team manager Marty on Friday.

A HUGE thanks to the donors, Abhishek and Bendigo Foodshare - we'll make sure the vouchers get to families in need. 

"We would like to thank the donors for their kindness and generosity," Marty said.

"Everyday our settlement case managers are working with families who are experiencing the challenges of loss of employment and a significant reduction in casual hours. It can be challenging to navigate the systems to apply for Job Seeker or indeed secure another job in our current environment of COVID.

"We send a heart felt thank you and this gesture is one of people really do care." 

Marty, Zahir and the Settlement team have been doing huge work in supporting refugee communities by staying in constant contact during this Coronavirus time. They've even produced a series of information sheets and videos in Dari, Karen and Dinka to keep the refugee communities up to date and safe. Check out our online Coronavirus Bendigo Refugee Resource Hub: I #BCHS #thereforyou #WithRefugees