BCHS invites local primary students to move their own way to school

Bendigo Community Health Services is set to empower local primary school students to walk, cycle or scoot to school.

BCHS is launching Move Your Way, based on successful programs in Brunswick and Coburg, which resulted in up to 47 per cent of participating families making the effort to get more active on the school run.

BCHS health promotion officer Sebastian Goscha said Move Your Way would initially be rolled out to two Bendigo schools from Term 2 this year.

BCHS hopes regional educator of the year inspires others into role

Bendigo Family Day Care is working to balance a spike in demand with a drop in educators as increasing numbers of Bendigo parents choose the service over childcare centres.

The local service, which is managed by Bendigo Community Health Services, is calling on more educators to come on board and help meet an unprecedented demand.

Bendigo Family Day Care coordinator Tamarra Tie said there was currently a long and growing waiting list of families hoping to secure a family day care place for their children in 2023 and beyond.

Tamarra said this had come at a time when many educators have recently stepped back from their role, citing pandemic-induced burnout.

BCHS launches condom campaign as STIs rise among young people

Bendigo Community Health Services is marking National Condom Day this February 14 with the launch of local artist-designed condom packets and an associated social media campaign.

Health Promotion and Community Engagement Officer Steph Paddon said BCHS was out to bust some common condom-related myths, give an insight into sexual health screening appointments and increase young people’s access to condoms.

The work is in response to the State Government’s latest surveillance of notifiable conditions report, which shows STIs are rising among young people in Greater Bendigo.

BCHS to address gaps in cancer care for refugees in Bendigo

A new program developed by Bendigo Community Health Services aims to ensure Karen and Afghan refugees don’t miss out on vital cancer screening, treatment and care.

BCHS has welcomed State Government funding for the Cancer service supports for refugee patients in Bendigo program, enabling it to use its strong connections with refugees to ensure they receive the best cancer care available.

BCHS Senior Leader Refugee and Cultural Diversity Kaye Graves said Bendigo was a destination of choice for a growing number of Karen and Afghan humanitarian refugees and BCHS has been welcoming them for the last 12 years.

BCHS proposes new GP training hub to address GP shortages

Bendigo Community Health Services has written to the Federal Government, seeking funding for a new International Medical Employment, Training and Supervision Hub which could address the
chronic doctor shortage across rural and regional Victoria.

The hub offers a short to medium term solution to overcome challenges in attracting, contracting, training and supervising International Medical Graduates (IMGs) by providing a supportive
pathway to competent and safe general practice services in rural and regional communities. 

The model also addresses the dire need for after hours emergency GP cover and supported aged residential care across Greater Bendigo.


All 24 registered Victorian independent rural, regional and metropolitan community health services, including Bendigo Community Health Services, have united to call on the State Government to put community health first.

The Community Health First campaign, launched today, calls on key decision makers to recognise the critical role of Victoria’s community health services in addressing the overwhelming demand facing our healthcare system.   

Time and time again community health services have partnered with the State Government to support Victorian communities in times of crisis – whether that be the pandemic, bushfires or floods – and the health system crisis we are currently facing should be no different. We are the experts when it comes to ensuring Victorians get the care they need, when and where they need it.  

Taking steps to support children with NDIS early childhood plan

Bendigo Community Health Services’ Stepping Stones Group supports children who have a current NDIS early childhood plan.

The program is available to children aged 2.5 years to school age through our Early Childhood Intervention Service.

Based on the Karen Stagnitti Learn to Play program, the groups provide a space for children to enjoy engaging in pretend play.

The ability to engage in pretend play is linked to development in language, narrative understanding, creativity, social competence, emotional self-regulation and cognitive skills.

Training medical practitioners on how to assess and respond to non-fatal strangulation

GPs across Australia will now have a better understanding of how to assess and respond to people who have experienced non-fatal strangulation.

Bendigo Community Health Services has released a new training video, which helps medical practitioners know how to talk to victim survivors, educates them on what to look for during examinations and highlights the importance of scans, further investigation and documentation.

Non-fatal strangulation or choking is a common tactic used by perpetrators of family and domestic violence, which can result in loss of consciousness and restricted air or blood flow to the brain.

Victims have an increased risk of lethality, hospitalisation, stroke and acquired brain injury.

Strangulation is involved in one third of family violence related homicides.

New BCHS advertisement: are you up to date with your vaccinations?

Today we’re launching a new television and radio advertisement, encouraging you to ensure you’re up to date with your vaccinations.


Being vaccinated means you’re safer to get out and do the things you love.


Not only are you better protected from physical illness, but you’re helping your mental wellbeing too.


And if we’re all vaccinated, we’re creating safer spaces that help each other to stay well.


That means we can all:


Stay connected to family and friends


Give to others through volunteering


Be physically active, and


Challenge our minds through new experiences


Make sure your vaccines are up to date by checking with your GP or a Pharmacist near you.


You can watch the advertisement here.

BCHS warns of poppy seed risks

Bendigo Community Health Services is warning of the current risks associated with some batches of commercially available poppy seeds.

There has been an increasing number of people presenting to Victorian hospital emergency departments in recent days, after brewing poppy seed tea.

Some brews have resulted in severe cases of toxicity, and in at least one case cardiac arrest.

More than 19 people have been hospitalised in Australia since November 9.

The Victorian Department of Health has advised there may be a contaminant in readily available, supermarket poppy seeds that is causing this reaction.

It is possible poppy seeds currently available may have a much higher thebaine content (an opioid alkaloid), however other causes have not been excluded and remain under investigation.