Coronavirus Telephone Hotline for the Karen community turns one with plenty of work still to do

It's amazing that our free Coronavirus Telephone Hotline for the Karen community has just turned one.

Don't think any of us thought this service would still be needed 12 months on but sadly that's COVID-19.

The need for trusted information around Coronavirus symptoms, testing, quarantine, contact tracing and now COVID-19 vaccines and the QR Code system is more important than ever.

We have even answered questions about recreational activities such as fishing and camping.

There's so much more work ahead of us talking to the community and answering their questions but we got our staff to pause for just a moment to recognise the wonderful service they have provided with the free hotline and other programs in the past year.

We are so proud of all our staff who have been part of this wonderful community initiative.

Most of them appear in these great pictures with a first birthday cake. Sad thing is thanks to COVID-19 you can't even blow the candle out!

To see more pictures click on the 'read more' button below.

Nay Chee

Case worker Nay Chee has been helping answer the hotline.

Nay chee 2

Some of our Settlement Services team with a first birthday cake for our hotline.

Nido video

Nido, above, and Ma Paw, below, have been answering hotline calls for the past year.

Ma Paw

So, back to business …….

Remember, if you have any questions about COVID-19, restrictions, the vaccine or QR code system please call our FREE Coronavirus Telephone Hotline between 1.30pm and 4pm Monday to Friday on 5406 1254 or call/text 0437 418 984.

To see more translated information in Karen, Dari and Dinka in our Coronavirus Refugee Resource Hub click here


Last updated: August 19, 2021