HeadtoHelp becomes Head to Health


HeadToHelp services will soon transition to be known as Head to Health services to bring them in line with a national government rollout of the service that now includes NSW and the ACT.

It’s just a name change and a new look - with the same great service, support and telephone number.

In our region, Head to Health services are based in Wodonga, Mildura, Shepparton, Seymour and Bendigo. They provide free mental health support to people living in these towns and also by outreach and telehealth to surrounding communities.

Head to Health services are available by calling 1800 595 212 between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, except for public holidays.

“Whether you’re trying to improve your own sense of wellbeing, looking for help with something that’s bothering you, or helping someone you care about, Head to Health is a good place to start” – Head to Health

Our Head to Health service runs from the Kangaroo Flat site at 19 Helm Street from:

Monday: 8.30am to 5pm

Tuesday: 8.30am to 8pm

Wednesday: 8.30am to 5pm

Thursday: 8.30am to 8pm

Friday: 8.30am to 5pm

Saturday: 10am to 2pm

Sunday: Closed.

Call 1800 595 212 to make an appointment.

When a person calls Head to Health, an experienced mental health professional will listen and work with them to find the best ways to get the help they need.

Visit the Head to Health website here to learn more: Head to Health