Mental Health Month a reminder to be kinder to ourselves and others

BENDIGO Community Health Services is encouraging people to use Mental Health Month as a reminder to be kind to themselves and others.

October is a time when people come together to raise awareness and promote better mental health for all.

Bendigo Community Health Services Mental Health Clinician, Oriane Landry, says while this month focuses on mental health, we should always be mindful that many people are carrying heavy loads and ‘we can all be kinder to ourselves and those around us’.

“Across the globe, we are experiencing worker shortages and cost of living pressures,” she said.

“Most people are carrying the heaviest load (physically and metaphorically) they’ve ever carried, and the road ahead is long.

“Take a moment, and picture your load. Maybe it’s a heavy backpack. Maybe it’s shopping bags. Maybe it’s a pram with heavy tired children.

“Picture yourself putting it down for a moment to rest. Feel your tired muscles, sore back, or sore arms. Rub a sore muscle. Give yourself permission to rest.

“Give yourself permission to ask for help. Give yourself permission to say no and give others permission to be honest and say no when they can’t help.

“Take a deep breath. When you’re ready, open your eyes and carry on.”

Bendigo Community Health Services Executive Leader Community Services, Peter Richardson, says It’s important to look after our own mental health and that we all address how we respond to people experiencing mental health issues.

“There are many supports available to help you support someone,” he said.

“Things that might help include asking how you can help and listening openly, learning about your loved one’s mental health condition, learning the warning signs of when they are becoming unwell, being patient and non-judgmental and remembering the person is more than their mental illness.”

BCHS is also encouraging people to learn about the key principles of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing: Take notice, Be Active, Give, Connect and Keep Learning.

Staying active is important: Start simple, find physical activities that you enjoy. Being active keeps your body and your mind working well.

Connect with those around you: Socialising with people and developing strong relationships with those around you contributes to good health and wellbeing.

Helping others can help you: Helping others can boost happiness and life satisfaction. Anything from giving a smile or volunteering.

Keep learning: Set yourself a new challenge. Learn something new or rediscover an old interest. Learning can be fun and help boost self-confidence.

Take time to stop and be aware: Take notice of your thoughts and feelings, use your five senses to become mindful of what’s around you.

You can find more about how those 5 steps can improve your wellbeing, here.

We have also developed a 5 Ways to Wellbeing Mental Health Month calendar, which gives you suggestions of small steps you can try each day throughout October.

You can find the calendar here.